Frontend customization

Custom HTML

As mentioned in the HTML, it’s possible to include custom HTML in the query page by customizing the element_top, element_middle, element_bottom and element_standalone fields. You’ll probably have to look at query_page.html to see exactly the custom HTML elements are inserted.

For example, if you wanted to wanted to include a button with the showing “Skip this question” and didn’t want to set html.skip_button = true, you could follow this example:

  # skip_button: true  # a much easier way to include the HTML code below!
  element_bottom: >
    <div class="d-flex align-items-end flex-column">
      <div id="skip-button" style="padding: 30px; padding-right: 60px;">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-secondary btn-sm" data-html="true"
                onclick="getquery()" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top"
            title="Skip questions only if you know <em>nothing</em> about the items shown."
        >Skip this question</button>

A much easier way to get this is to set html.skip_button = true in init.yml.

CSS Styling

As mentioned in the HTML, it’s possible to customize the CSS by including a CSS field in the YAML file. For example, let’s say you were asking about the similarity of different colors, and wanted the background to be dark to provide better contrast. This YAML block in init.yml would implement that:

  instructions: Which of the comparison colors is most similar to the target color?
  debrief: Thanks! Please enter this participant ID in the assignment. max_queries: 100  # about 2.94 minutes for 100 queries
  arrow_keys: True
  css: >
    body {
      background-color: #414141;
      color: #ddd;
    .answer {
      background-color: #595959;
      border-color: #bbb;
    .head {
      background-color: #505050;
      border-color: #000;
    .debrief {
      color: #000;